2012 March Executive Committee Minutes

Executive Meeting Minutes

Present: Robbyn Wacker, Linda La Grange, Carl Fox, Ramona Mellott, Peter Dorhout, James Antony, David Wittrock, Elisa Mattison, Gerardo Gonzales,
The minutes from the executive committee meeting held in October 2011 were unanimously approved as submitted.
Treasurer’s Report
The treasurer’s report was approved unanimously as submitted.
New Business
It was suggested that we try to organize a collaborative meeting with another regional graduate school organization. Another option is to have a pre workshop meeting just before the annual CGS meeting.
There some discussion about the low annual meeting participation rate by the California schools. Gerardo mentioned that there is a meeting in California that roughly parallels, in focus, the annual WAGS meeting. Gerardo will get us more information on the content and purpose of that meeting so that we might be able to figure out a way not to compete for the same pool of people.

Ramona presented her plans for the 2013 WAGS annual meeting. She visited three possible locations and felt that the Ventana Canyon Resort was the best location. The room rates quoted to her were $179.00. These rates increased by $30.00/room after March 17th.

Old Business
There was no old business, and the meeting was adjourned.
